Thursday, December 6, 2007

Help Wanted: Dishwasher Needed!

If there is one thing I hate to do more than follow a recipie, it is cleaning up the kitchen. The whole process annoys me: wiping down the counters, washing the dishes, putting the dishes away, and sweeping the floors. All of it seems so beneath me. Let me scrub windows over pots and pans! If only life were that sweet.

I hate washing dishes so much that I actually went out and bought a brand new set of dishes, silverware included, just so i wouldn't have to wash dishes. So now i have two sets of dishes. Twice the amount of work to do. The things I put myself through. Sometimes I wish there was a way to snap my fingers and *poof* the job is done! Some would say that is what a dishwasher is for but ah ha, someone still has to load and unload the beast! Unfortunately, I live in an apartment with a kitchen the size of a shoebox, where even if I wasn't against dishwashers, one would not fit.Yet again life is against me.

So my dream, my wish, my heart's desire? Someone please send me someone to wash my dishes! A red-headed cute male preferrably.